
Here Kitty Kitty Kitty

Not to be out done by Sandra and Bill and also so my kitties don't think that they're less important than my doggies (which they're not!) I've decided to attach pictures of My cats now! They're precious, it's okay, I can admit it.

This is Figaro (or Figs for short). I got her as a stray outside of my dorm freshman year of college. She got pregnant and had worms and was my very first pet ever!

This is Buffy (as in The Vampire Slayer). The hubs got her for me for Valentine's Day one year and she's my cuddle kitty. We're bonded for life. And she slays vampires for me, such a good kitty.

You won't find a picture of those two cuddling together! They get along enough to play with each other here and there (and pull chunks of fur from each other, is that normal, friendly cat play?), but that's about it... though there are pictures of Buffy sleeping with/on my dogs that are too cute.

I will be going to North Carolina next week to visit my grandma for her birthday and to attend a friend's wedding, so I will have limited (if any) access to the internet. The hubs has one of those high tech PDA phones with the internet on it, but I don't know if I'll have the patience to blog with it, so it'll probably be quiet on Asian Fun next week. Appologies, I'll come back with fantastic and outrageous stories from North Carolina and the wedding that will more than make up for my week of silence (I hope!)

Have a patriotic 4th of July y'all!


Sandra Ruttan said...

Aw, love the kitties!

Have a safe trip Mai Wen and we look forward to hearing about it when you come back. And happy 4th of July.

Bill Cameron said...

Have fun, Mai! See ya in a week or so!


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