
mai wen's Top Ten Best Trip Moments

10. Getting attacked by monkeys. Actually, this wasn't one of my best moments, but it's a great story to tell despite the fact that it was terrifying while happening. Those monkeys mean business!
9. Shopping! Pearls, come to momma! Even my frugal hubby loved shopping in Thailand because everything was so dang cheap!
8. Getting cuddly with elephants.
7. Drinking Thailand "moonshine" whisky at a hill tribe while trekking.
6. Bamboo rafting on a raft that was contemplating on falling apart for the majority of the rafting.
5. Getting an elephant shitting drawn on my forehead in charcoal.
4. Hitting up the Thailand nightlife and very gracefully falling asleep at the sleaziest Thailand after hours bar.
3. Seeing my Bernie (Bernie is my college friend who I visited in Chiang Mai for those unawares) and lounging around her place enjoying her company and getting an insight on real Thai culture!
2. Getting to spend an obnoxious amount of time with my hubby, which never got old. I guess that's why I married the dude. :)
1. Finding an Australian Steelers fan in Krabi, Thailand.

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